What is STUBE Niedersachsen?

STUBE Niedersachsen is the abbreviated name of the „Studienbegleitprogramm“ (supplementary study programme) for students from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe at universities in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony). STUBE is a development-oriented education programme that offers seminars, workshops and other activities related to global development issues.
Most STUBE events are open to all students who are interested in global development, irrespective of their country of origin or nationality.

The STUBE programme is practice-oriented, interdisciplinary, intercultural and interreligious.

Participation in most STUBE events is free of charge and travel expenses can be reimbursed under certain conditions.

STUBE seminars and activities mainly take place at the weekend. They supplement the regular university courses with education on topics related to social, economic and cultural conditions in the students‘ home countries.

SCHEDULE: seminars and other events

16.–20. September 2024 | Hamburg
Städte der Zukunft: Stadtentwicklung Hamburgs im globalen Kontext –
Ferienakademie (in Kooperation mit STUBE Bayern)
Seminarsprache: Deutsch

>>Online registration<<


16. November 2024 | online
Informationsveranstaltung / Orientation event: Berufsvorbereitende Praktikums- und Studienaufenthalte (BPSA) / Financial Support for internship and study visits –
Erfahrungsberichte und Informationen zu Zielsetzung und Antragstellung / Grantee testimonials and information about objective and application
Seminarsprachen: Deutsch / Englisch

>>Online registration<<


22.–24. November 2024 | Goslar
Sustainable waste and resource management: Approaches to a global challenge –
Resource and recycling technologies in a global context
Seminarsprache: Englisch

>>Online registration<<

Some of our participants have written short reports and reflections on certain STUBE events. Some of these texts can be accessed through the links below, some more by clicking on „Berichte von Teilnehmenden“ in the main menu of this website.

BLOG: Seminar

STUBE Seminar 12.–14.5.2023 | Goslar
„Gender Equality in a Global Perspective“
>> zum BLOG <<

BLOG: Holiday Academy

STUBE Fachakademie 18.–23.8.2019 | Helgoland
„Eine Insel entdecken: wie nachhaltig ist Helgoland?“
>> zum BLOG <<

  • Weekend seminars, study days, excursions, courses during semester breaks, workshops and evening events on development-related topics
  • Support for individual students’ development-related activities at their universities or within university communities
  • Financial support for vocationally relevant internship and study visits in international students’ home countries (BPSA)
  • Training for intercultural and country-specific assignments
  • Orientation regarding a return to the home country and making a living there
  • Follow-up contact and alumni projects with former participants of the STUBE programme
Bild: KED/STUBE Niedersachsen

BPSA programme

The BPSA programme offers financial support for a development and career oriented research in the home country for students from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe, regardless of whether or not they intend to return to that country in the long term.

The programme for vocationally relevant internship and study visits (in German: Berufsvorbereitende Praktikums- und Studienaufenthalte – abbreviated BPSA) is coordinated by Brot für die Welt (“Bread for the World“), a development and relief agency instigated by the Protestant churches in Germany. The motto behind that work is “justice for the poor“.

BPSA support serves to encourage specialised learning and achieving goals related to the subject of study. Furthermore, it encourages networking in the home country after having been away for a long time and it facilitates connecting study contents to practical experience in the field of global development policies.

  • for development-related student research projects
  • for career-oriented internships during regular studies
  • on condition that the stay has a minimum duration of four weeks
  • An application for BPSA
  • A personal data sheet (curriculum vitae)
  • A study report providing details about past university courses and study focus
  • A detailed proposal of the intended activities on site in the home country or in another country of the same region (e.g., for internship visit: task area, contact data of internship provider/advisor; for study visit: research question and method, institutions to be consulted on site, etc.)
  • A letter of recommendation from a lecturer in charge (for study visit)
  • A confirmation from the internship provider (for internship visit)

The support covers the travel expenses at the lowest fare, health insurance and travel cancellation insurance (if applicable) and a lump sum for the cost of living (€ 300 for up to 60 days, € 500 for more than 60 days).

Administration office

Brigitte Hartmann-Hasse


Andreas Kurschat